Bell’s palsey and sex

Resolved question:

Hello doctor My question is that I whether I can have sex with bell’spalsey? Can any of the infection given in thestd list be a problem during sexual intercourse with Bell’s palsy?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your question and concern, bell’s palsey is a form of facial paralysis that result from dysfunction of your cranial nerve 7, that result in inability to control facial muscle on the affected side of your body. It is common acute mononeuropathy which is one of the most common causesof facial nerve paralysis. During this ailment the cranial nerves of the patient can get affected as to reason unknown. As using all the medication for the treatment of this disease, sexual intercourse can cause infection.Due to lower immune system the body of patient gets prone to diseases. But there is no result yet found to discover its effect on sexual life. As to do sexual intercourse with Bell’s palsy there is not as such problem or you can say contraindication against sex in a person or in a patient and can have sexual intercourse. Doing sexual intercourse with Bell’s palsy is not a problem and does not relate to pregnancy when using the precautions but somehowit disturbs your body and there can be chances of infections as given in STDs list which can be a problem. According to me there is no contraindication against having sex; you can safely have sexual intercourse. Best wishes.

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