Helped Over 500,000 patients with 98%+ satisfaction.

Get Quick, Detailed medical advice & answers from Expert, Online Doctors.

  • Consult bona fide practicing specialists & NOT Anonymous GPs
  • #1 Rated panel, Second-Opinion Platform
  • Free follow-ups, Thorough online replies, Doctor chat.
  • Private & anonymous consultations.
  • Critical Update - Consult Infectious Disease Specialists
    about Coronavirus (COVID-19).
No matter how complex your medical case, we’ll help.

Rated as Best Doctor Consultation & Second Opinion Platform in the World.


Consult Brilliant Doctors ; And Not Anonymous Hacks

Physicians with Busy Practices

Best Hospitals & Education

400+ Doctors Online in 42 Specialties

Why consult our Doctors?

Are we alone in providing online medical consultations? No!

Are we best when you need to consult Specialist & Super-specialist Doctors? Honestly, Yes.

Our Doctors help thousands of patients each month in understanding their symptoms, their reports, guiding/correcting their diagnosis, improving treatment plans & in avoiding sub-optimal surgeries.

98% of our people rate us 5-stars or consult us again within two years.

 31 Doctors,Live Chat

Patients love DoctorSpring

A Simple Fact : 98% of our patients rate us 5-stars or consult us again within 2 years.

Don't wait days for appointments. Consult expert Doctors online for peace of mind.

We believe talking to Doctors, getting medical advice, seeking psychiatric help should be quicker and simpler. Since inception in 2012, our 400+ online Doctors in 42 Specialties from US, UK, Europe, Aus, Ind & NZ have helped over 500,000+ people.

1. Type your medical questions.

Add reports, Images, Scans, if any, now or later.

2. An expert Physician replies

Ask further queries after the reply. Detailed discussion for a month.

3. Expert Specialists at fingertips

Mean response time: 6 hours. 99% replies within 24 hours.

Get Help Now

Join the 500,000 people who found a smarter, quicker & cheaper way to make Informed Decisions.

Expert Doctors at fingertips

Real online experts, and NOT GPs pretending to be experts.

Save Time

Get medical answers on average within 6 hours.

Save Money

$35 for typical specialist consult vs. $120 for a local appointment.

Free Medical Advice

Clarify, ask questions for total satisfaction. Free for 1 month.

100% Satisfaction

Money back guarantee for the 1st reply. MEDNET Quality Board.

Start Chat with a Doctor

Goodbye anxiety!

Is there a second life? There are second opinions.

The second-opinion & my chat with Oncologists & Urologists at DoctorSpring was very detailed and easy to understand. It helped us think completely differently about the diagnosis and gave us a lot more info than the local doctors we had spoken to. Thank you for the invaluable insights.

Lisa used Second opinion & live Doctor chat for rectal cancer.

Consult Doctors Online

Small team. Big Mission.

Our mission is to help people in health crisis achieve better medical outcomes via timely & informed medical advice, discussion with our experts.

We are committed to transparent healthcare - only scientific, proven information and no false advertisements.

Since 2012, see our impact in the adjacent table.

Consultations on DoctorSpring are not a substitute to physical consultation with a doctor or to hospital services. The service should not to be used for emergencies. The service offers expert opinions of qualified doctors and advice on various health conditions, diagnosis and treatment and it does not include a direct medical diagnosis, treatment or prescription.

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