Bruised, twisted and SPRAIN ankle. Will CRUTCHES help?

Resolved question:
Was told spain ankle on Friday July 25th. Ankle twisted and popped at least 4 times from what I felt and heard. Was very bad bruising on heels, top and bottom of foot and up shin and calf. Swelling has gone down for biggest part..Outside of ankle still swollen as is foot somewhat. Pain in top and bottom of foot..on sides of ankle and aroung entire ankle. This is not constant pain. Am icing, elevating and taking ibuprofen. Went to clinic after did it and they put on ace and a sort of brace. Should I still be have to use crutches?..I get weight on it but to much movement hurts as will as night time hurts.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank you for posting your query at
I understand your concern.
Regarding the crutches, it depesnd entirely on your pain level.The first mode of treatment in a sprained ankle is the RICE pattern that you're following,
Crutches are not required in patients who can tolerate the pain, and get better on following the RICE protocol. However if you're in a lot of discomfort then you can use crutches. With the RICE protocol, symptoms should be better in a week's time.
You can also use local anti-inflammatory spray for enhacing faster healing.
Hope this was helpful,

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Patient replied :

I have and still am doing all those things but I still cant get to flat on the floor when I try to walk. It pulls on side and top and bottom of foot. It burns and my toes get cold. I just wondered if this is normal at this point

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

Thank you for the follow up.
Ankle sprains can be very painful and take quite a long time for complete recovery.
Did you get an x ray of your ankle? Was hairline fracture ruled out? In case it is not done, then a hairline fracture has to be ruled out after an x ray. If there is no such fracture, then recovery will happen, however it will be slow.
Hope this was helpful,

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Patient replied :

Thank you. He.said did not see a non acute injury just an old injury. I guess I may need few more days. Just want back in the gym and back to running. Thanks for your help.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 2 Days.

Hello. Thank you for the follow up.
I appreciate your commitment to working out but please rest your ankle till it heals.
These kind of injuries remain painful for a long time.
Wish you a speedy recovery,

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