Burning in urethra, scrotum, prostate after sexual encounter.

Resolved question:
I have had burning in my urethra, scrotum, prostate, lower back pain, feeling unwell, etc for over 6 months. It all started after a sexual encounter with a woman. I have been tested several times for STDs and all are negative. Both blood and urine tests. Over the course of 6 months, I have been prescribed several types of antibiotics starting at 2 week cycles then up to 6 week cycles for over 4 months. The tip of my urethra is very dry and has blemishes around the rim(red vessels) and head(white spots). No bumps or sores. I also feel pretty itchy. My intestines feel as if they are swollen. My lower back pain is on both sides. My doctor does not know what it is. He prescribed me an abdominal CT scan with IV and oral contrast. What could this be? I feel like it is yeast/fungal but he says its unlikely. However, I noticed my body reacts quite a bit to changes in diet. Eating healthy and staying away from sugars/carbs.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: OBGYN

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.

Thanks for posting your query at DoctorSpring.com
Yes , the B HCG levels are quite within the normal range, and are rising normally.
However, beyond the 6th week, it is pointless to measure B HCG levels for the progress of a pregnancy.
By week 6, you should have had a tranvaginal pelvic ultrasound scan to document the well being of the fetus and visualize the cardiac activity ( heartbeat ).
Please get that done.
Wish you luck this time around.
Take care.
Please feel free to discuss further.

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