Can sex toys reinfect Chlamydia?

Resolved question:

Hi doctor, I wanted to ask u whether sex toys can reinfect Chlamydia because I and my mate are using them since we get little time to get intimate as both of us are working. Also, is Chlamydia a Stds (sexually transmitted disease)??

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Steve Merris replied 4 Days.

Thank you very much for the question. First and foremost let me answer your second question. Chlamydia is not a Stds. It is rather an organism that is confined inside the cell. Sexually transmitted diseases on the other hand are those which are infected when there is asexual activity or an intercourse between two people and there is no use of protection in the form of condoms and much more. In case a person is suffering from Stds then he will pass on the disease to his counterpart after having intercourse. There is no cure available for most of the sexually transmitted diseases known to man. Medication can however minimize the effect. In your you and your partner use sex toys therefore there is no chance of getting affected by sexually transmitted diseases. Also, you told that you have been diagnosed earlier for Chlamydia. There may be chances of getting reinfected with it but one thing is for sure that the sex toys can never reinfect you with Chlamydia. Hence you should be rest assured about that. However, if you are suffering from symptoms like pain while having intercourse or vaginal discharge then I would suggest you to visit your doctor as there might be a case where your infection of Chlamydia might not have healed properly. You can also go for a retest of Chlamydia in case you feel that you or your partner has a doubt. As far as I am concerned I don’t think that the sex toys can reinfect Chlamydia in your or your sexual partner. I hope you clear your doubt as soon as possible. God Bless.

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