Chances of pregnancy by IVF and raising HCG.

Resolved question:
I am 6dp5dt via IVF (FET - one embryo, PGD tested). This would be my 5th pregnancy, last IVF cycle 8 years ago resulted in double ectopic pregnancy. I have had absolutely no typical pregnancy symptoms, and, against better judgment, did an hpt yesterday evening - it came back faint but a clear positive. This morning, I took another test from the same box thinking that the hcg concentration would be higher with morning urine, and it was negative. Of course, I am devastated, so I took another one this afternoon and it is more faint than the first one but there is a pink line. I know it is very early to detect hcg (guidelines I'm seeing are 7dp5dt as typical time to begin getting positives) but I'm confused about the mix of positive and negative results. We had only one viable embryo, so this is our only chance and I am incredibly anxious. My beta test is not until next Monday.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: OBGYN

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.

Thanks for posting your query at
See basically right now, it is possible to have very early HCG levels, if you have conceived.
But the conflicting results on the HPT no doubt will make you anxious.
See, one of the tests was wrong.
You are either pregnant, or not pregnant.
And it is impossible now to say in retrospect, which of the tests was wrong.
Even further testing on the HPT would only confuse you.
So please stop doing that.
The ONLY objective evidence of your being pregnant, would be a positive blood B HCG test.
So wait it out.
I can understand your anxiety, but the stress will not help your mind and body.
Relax, and let go till Monday.
That is when you will know for sure.
Forcing things wont help.
I hope this makes sense to you.
HPT can be misleading, and can give fluctuating results in very early pregnancy.
That is why blood B HCG levels are done, as they are conclusive.
Wishing you lots of luck with that, and prayers for you.

Take care.
Please feel free to discuss further.

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