Chest congestion following pest spray.

Resolved question:
Hello,I am a overweight boy(160kgs),recently from 4 days,i am having a breathing problem,that tends to go away and come back,i dont feel fatigue though,and i have heaviness in my chest a bit.

3 days back i had a pest spray in my house too.I have a bp problem,currently under Losar 50 and ciplar 40 la medication.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Hello and thankyou for approaching DoctorSpring with your query.
I have gone through your case and understand you concern.
Your symptoms can be as a result of the pest spray if they started after the spraying, or could be related to a cardiac cause.
Is your chest heaviness worsening when you do any activity?
Is there any chest pain that you feel radiates to your jaw, neck, shoulder or hand?
Do you have any sweating related to the heaviness and discomfort?
Do you feel breathless when you climb stairs or do activity?

I would advise you to get the following tests to rule out the cause of your breathlessness and heaviness in your chest.
1) Complete blood count 2) ECG 3) Cardiac biomarkers 4) Chest X-Ray.

However if the heaviness gets worse, you start sweating profusely, you have chest pain that radiates to your jaw, neck, shoulder or hand or breathlessness gets worse, you need to get immediate medical help, or visit the ER immediately.

I hope this has helped. Feel free to follow up.

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Patient replied :

No i dont feel any of these.but the symptom started a day before the pest spray.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

In that case you do not have to worry, The fact that they started a day earlier rules out a reaction to the pest spray. It could be stress related too, but I would still advise you to get the tests done to rule out any cardiac problem as you are a hypertensive patient. Need to measure your B.P as well.
You can get the following tests.
1) Complete blood count 2)ECG 3)Cardiac biomarkers 4)Chest X-Ray
Like I said earlier if you develop any of the symptoms mentioned above, get yourself examined immediately.

I hope this has helped.

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Patient replied :

Could it be related to gas,acidity???

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 2 Days.


This could be due to acidity, stress or anxiety and your symptoms are bit non specific for a single diagnosis. But you do have two cardiovascular risk factors. Obesity and Hypertension. So it is prudent to do few tests and rule out any cardiac cause. (atleast an ECG and Physical Examination will do)

At this outset I would also like to know have you even undergone any tests for obesity ? Have you checked your S.Cholesterol levels ? Also did you consider any measures (including surgery for weight reduction) ?

Thank you

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