Diagnosed with syphilis at blood drive and treated with partner safe

Resolved question:
how could someone have sphyilis and there partner not get it. and after treatment does it go away or will you still have it.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for asking your query at DoctorSpring.

I assume the partners are monogamous here. There are few reasons why the partner need not get it always. Syphillis is not 100% infective. The infectivity can range from 40-70% as per different studies. That means one about one third even if in contact with a Syphillis infected person might not get the disease at all.

Another reason is the person might have contracted syphilis, but have not yet shown any manifestation externally. Another rare possibility is the person has already been exposed to syphilis in the past, so that he/she has some resistance to further infection.

I would like know what kind of clinical manifestations of the patient (symptoms) in order to comment on how well the treatment response will be. As you might be aware there are many stages for syphilis. Treatment response depends on the stage of the disease.

Hope this helps.
Thank you

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Patient replied :

i didn't have any symptoms, i found out when we gave blood at a blood drive, and yes we are monogamous for over 2 1/2 years.and i already had treatment. about six months ago but i'm scared to have sex now.

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

Syphilis has excellent response to treatment. Under normal circumstances you would be rendered non-infectious once you complete the treatment. So there is NO reason at all to be scared to have sex. Moreover you do not have any ulcers and more over you had no symptoms – so probably you had a latent syphilis. This means you there is NO risk for transmission from you to your partner under normal circumstances. You can discuss about this with your Doctor.
Hope this helps
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