Does this lesion looks like CARBUNCLE?

Resolved question:
Hi, I believe this is a `carbuncle`?

I am un-insured, in between jobs, and would rather not spend $150 of my very limited funds to see a doctor unless it is an absolute necessity.

The pain is not too substantial. Aside from using a warm cloth for 20 minutes several times a day and lathering the heck out of it with neosporin, is there anything I should be doing?

I am a 6'1'' male, age 30, weight 165. I would say I am in good health aside from this. I do not smoke or drink or take recreational drugs. Thank you kindly.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Dermatologist

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 4 Days.


Thanks for posting your query at
I can understand your concern. I reviewed the picture.

This is a furuncle which is a bacterial infection of the hair follicle. When many furuncles combine its called a carbuncle.

You would need to take an oral antibiotic like azithromycin. Just with application of neosporin the lesion is not going to heal.

Azithromycin requires a prescription.

I understand that you do not want to see doctors but you will need a prescription without which the lesion won't heal.

Please let me know if you have any queries. Take care

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