EISENMENGER SYDROME with VSD. Is pregnancy life threatening?

Resolved question:
Hi Doctor, I have Eisenmenger Syndrome.. I have VSD + Pulmonary HyperTension. i just want to know that why pregnancy is life threatning for me.. Cant I go with Ceserian delivery??? I want to get pregnant doctor, Please help me..

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Cardiologist

Expert:  Dr. Vivek Mahajan replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring.com
Most women with Eisenmenger syndrome are in a precariously balanced state and an important principle of care is to not disrupt this balance. In women with Eisenmenger syndrome and a low cardiac output state, the compromised right ventricle may not meet the demands of increasing blood volume and cardiac output associated with pregnancy. In addition, a fixed pulmonary vascular resistance with a resulting inability to increase pulmonary blood flow may not accommodate an increase in cardiac output.
There is indeed a significant risk of mortality with Eisenmenger Syndrome.
If a woman with Eisenmenger syndrome becomes pregnant, coordinated care should be established early, involving a congenital heart disease specialist, pulmonary hypertension specialist, high-risk obstetrician, and an obstetrical anesthetist. Close cardiovascular monitoring, with specific attention to volume status, is essential throughout pregnancy and the peripartum period. Serial echocardiograms are important to assess the size and function of the right ventricle.
It is extremely important your pregnancy is constantly monitored by the specialists and a very good antepartum care is essential. Yes, Caesarean is a better option than NVD, but more than the type of delivery it is the pregnancy-associated changes that causes the mortality. So it will be a risk to get pregnant unfortunately.

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Patient replied :

isn't there any medical hope???? I want my own kids....

Expert:  Dr. Vivek Mahajan replied 3 Days.

Unfortunately, the chances are slim.
I understand your intentions and emphathize with you, but you will put your life on jeopardy and take a big risk if you decide to get pregnant.
You should consider surrogacy seriously though.

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