Gets blood in urine and night fever

Resolved question:

Hello doctor,

My husband is getting night fevers of about 100 degrees every night when going to bed. It is affecting his sleep very well. He used to go to bathroom at times and see some blood coming along with urine. What is wrong with him? I believe that this is not normal. Please help.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Steve Merris replied 4 Days.

Night fevers are indications of urinary infections, cough, sore throat, cold and viral/bacterial infections. The blood you see in the urine could be something due to some urinary infections or kidney stones. This can be also seen due to benign prostate hyper plasia, tumoours in bladder or prostate. It is better to see a urologist at the earliest to get a confirmed diagnosis and a thorough checkup. Necessary investigative measures include ultrasound, urine culture, microscopy and blood count. Follow the instructions of your doctor carefully. Get well soon.

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