Herpes Genitalis.

Resolved question:
Bump on lip. Gave oral to girl almost 2 months ago (1/24). Bump appeared around (2/21). Bump was just a small pimple like single bump. It never blistered, ruptured and has gradually gotten smaller so it has been apparent almost 4 weeks. I would describe the sensation as irritating, but it was not "painful." I would add that the oral took place in Thailand with a high risk girl. On the exact same place on my lip about 20-years ago, a dermatologist removed what he called a hemangioma. I had 2 of these small bumps taken out of my lip via excision. I now have a lump inside my lip. It is below where the little bump appeared. The lump appears whiteish in color but is not really visible. It does not seem to be growing in size, just sort of there. I was wondering if this is Herpes (Syphillis) and if Herpes can cause a mucocele or if I am just paranoid.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Dermatologist

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 4 Days.


Thanks for posting your query at DoctorSpring.com. I can understand your concern.

Herpes presents as fluid filled blisters in clusters. The history that you provided doesn't seem to suggest herpes. It lasts for not more than ten days.

However to understand what is it I need to see the bump inside and outside the lip. Please send high resolution pictures of it. You can upload them as follow-up or email them to info@doctorspring.com with 143314 as reference.


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Patient replied :

subcutaneous mass. Not painful. Been there a few weeks now - slightly larger. Began with small pimple on it that did not blister, but was irritating. No "blistering"

I had read that first outbreak of herpes can be asymptomatic. But I have not found anything related to this type of growth.

Almost feels like it is part of veins in my lip (hemangioma?). The vein feels a bit enlarged as well leading to it.

Going for STD testing this morning.

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 3 Days.


Thanks for your reply.

This seems to be a mucocele. It's a mucous cyst which can develop in the musosal area of the lips and mouth. It's a benign lesion and causes no harm. It can at times be seen in people who have a habit of biting their lip.

The treatment would be to get it excised from your doctor.

Please let me know if you have any queries.

Take care

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