I have a doubt that I may have STD but with the condition says that it is almost impossible?

Resolved question:

Hello doctor I had sex with only one guy without use of condom and moreover I am the only girl with whom he has slept. He had sex with me only and not with anyone else. So I am pretty confused about whether I may have an STD or not. I have been going through yellow discharge without a smell. It pains a lot while having sex. It hurts a lot when I walk. I often bleed but only a little after having sex. My vagina has become swollen and it feels something burning whileI go to toilet and it feels itching also quite often. I have been worring a lot. Is there any Stisymptoms also seen?Please suggest what I could do?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your question and concern, as you have mentioned about your condition you may be suffering from vaginal or vulvovaginal infection or it can also be Sti like Chlamydia or gonorhea alongwith a urinary tract infection. In chlamydia and gonorhea a greenish yellow mucopurulent discharge come out from vagina with addition to other symptoms of urinary frequency burning and urgency. It is as far very difficult to make out with what are you suffering from. In order to be sure you need to have further testing and a pelvic examination. You may be having some type of vulvovaginits that is Bacterial vaginosis or trichomonas. It is better to have a consult with your family physician to get a more detail physical examination and further test to go like urine test, cervical swab culture and sensitivity. It is always better to know that if you are using condoms during sex it may protect you from STD’s but it sometimes not 100% accurate. So do not always depend on condoms. Best wishes.

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