I want a cure for my OCD; I wash my hands always because of dirt.

Resolved question:

i am washing hands always because of dirt i know this is a OCD but i want to cure it if i can cure it without medicine. can you help me if you can help me i want to tell you all about my story,thank you

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.


from your symptoms it is very likely that you have OCD.

A person is said to have OCD if their obsession is coming in way to their normal life and relationships and affecting it. If you feel that if you don't wash your hand, germs can cause you severe disease or you can cause disease to others.

The prime mean to treat it is to have a family therapy, because family is affected socially. Secondly, you have got to start working on your obsession. Start with deviating your thoughts whenever you get the thought of obsession in, mind. Start jogging or start cooking or drawing. Just deviate your thought primarily. Then maintain a book, every time you get the thoughts of obsession in your mind, write it down. Watch out for no of times that thought clearly crosses your mind. Keep a 10 minute period of worry time for yourself every day. Because suppressing anything will rebound back in some time, so you have got to let it out. Start trying to be healthy, like going to gym or meditation or yoga. You can seek help from support groups to help you out.

Thank you.

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