Is Advil effective for broken finger to relieve pain?

Resolved question:

My girlfriend broke her proximal phalange bone not too long ago, the doctor never said what kind of medication to take to help with pain, and swelling (inflammation), etc. what can she take? She said she has been taking Advil, does that help with those things or does she need ibuprofen or something?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.

Hello, the symptoms described by you are suggestive of fracture. There are 3 finger bones called phalanges. When it is broken with several pieces or just cracked, we call it as a fracture. There may be a collateral ligament avulsion fracture or base fracture with dorsal angulation. This can occur through a crushed injury or other direct injury. Very rarely it may break through a weak spot caused by a cystic tumor. Immediately you have to elevate, ice application can also relieve the pain. If there is a cut a tetanus shot, antibiotics and other treatment is needed. I would suggest you to get an X ray of the finger to find out the cause. A protective splint and special exercises can improve the movements and strength. Depending on the nature of the injury, a splint or a cast or surgery can be planned. As she is already taking Advil she can continue with the same mediation for a week. It is quite effective in relieving the pain. If it doesn't improve then you can consult an orthopedician. Hope this helps. Thank you.

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