Leg muscle cramp

Resolved question:
I just had a terrible leg muscle cramp during my sleep.
It was 2 hours ago but i still have pain as if the muscle was still contracted a bit.
Shall i just wait for the pain to go? Or should i do something else?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


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You haven't mentioned where the muscle cramp occurred. I assume it is either in the arms or legs. You might already stretched the muscle. The persisting pain could be due to the mild trauma that occurred during the cramps. If you have give a couple of good stretches do not stretch any further. There are few things you can do.

Walking or leg jiggling followed by leg elevation (for 5-10 minutes 3 times a day)
A hot shower with the stream directed at the cramp area of the body, usually for five minutes, or a warm tub bath

If the pain persists for more than a day it is better to help medical help. Most likely the pain should resolve before that.

Hope this helps
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