Obese, Numbness in foot after workout. Cause.

Resolved question:
I just noticed that my heels are very numb on the outer side of feet, and other parts of my feet are slightly numb.

I am a 24 years old obese, 179cm tall, 120 kg, student. I have never experienced symptoms like this before. I normally sit alot during the day, with little to none exercise, except walking my dog.

Yesterday I had a very rough upperbody workout, which I have not done in years, and I'm very sore
all around my body but since I did not train my legs, the numbness scares me. Could this be caused by just some kind of shock to my body?

I'm hoping this is the case. I'm also afraid of type 2 diabetes. I have always been overweight, but I have checked my blood sugar levels about once a year, and they have always been normal. Last time it was checked was about year ago. I have no chance to quickly meet a live doctor.

I appreciate your help very much. Please forgive possible grammar errors since english is not my first language.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at DoctorSpring.com
I understand your concern.
The bump could be due to trauma suffered while intercourse, or could be a sore. It is difficult to say without looking at the bump, however a couple of things go in favor of UTI. Firstly a constant burning sensation and secondly the leukocytes being positive in the UTI test.
The possibility of Herpes remains, even if your partners claim they are clean. At times the person can be a carrier, without any symptoms and can transmit the infection to his sexual partner. And then all genital herpes also do not have the same presenation with a full blown rash and sores. It is better you take the HSV-2 IGM test done and based on that we can decide your further course of management.
Feel free to discuss further,

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