Oral Sex with HPV patient and chances of recurrence.

Resolved question:

Dear doctor, I have been having sex with my long term boyfriend. But both of us had previous partners, long before. Recently, I started getting some warts which are hardly noticeable. But he hasn’t got any, yet. Will it be safe to have oral sex? Is there a chance that warts may appear in face or somewhere near? Also, what about the possibility of a recurrence in him? Is there a chance that he may get infected with warts in his penis? Please help.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 4 Days.

As you may know, genital warts are resultant symptoms of HPV infection and some types of HPVs cause warts in genitalia of males and females. But it is unlikely to affect face or throat. If you have a fear of getting a re-infection, you can use a condom while enjoying oral sex. Anyway, there is a chance of infection and you can use condoms to reduce the chance. Take care.

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