Rectal cuts

Resolved question:
I am a 28 years old male,height 5'4'',60 kilo.For last few months I am suffering from rectal cuts(or called hemaroides I am not sure).The cut is small and appears at the anus mostly after some irritated stool dispatch.I use asculus (a homeopathic lotion).Within 4-5 days it gets healed.But again at some time in a month it reappears in a slightly different place at anus.It is mild painful. I have a history of mucosal diarrhea and I have been asked to stay away from wheat and milk.But the cut not necessarily appears after formal bowel upset.
A general prescription will be appreciated.

--Samiran Chatterjee

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.

From the symptoms you have mentioned this appears to be anal fissure or haemorrhoids. An exact diagnosis can be made only by a direct per rectal examination.

The treatment is similar to some extend. Avoiding constipation is the most important step. You can take stool softeners (like Smuth syrup 5-10 ml in the night with lot of water)in consult with your Doctor. Eat a high fibre diet (very important).

Local ointment application can also help. {Smuth oinment in case of haemorrhoids / Nitroglycerin (Nitrogesic) ointment in case of anal fissure}. But before this a confirmation of the diagnosis has to be made by direct examination. Please note we do no offer online prescriptions. So you will need to consult with your Doctor before taking the medications.

Hope this helps
Thank you

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