Sleep problem and urinary incontinence while asleep

Resolved question:
My male friend is 34 years of age. In excellent health and very active in sport. He is a casual smoker. Is a non drinker. He says that he has a sleeping problem (he believes it is sleep apnea), and is currently waiting for his appointment with a sleep clinic in July. The pressing issue is that once in a while (every few weeks) while asleep his bladder completely empties. Apparently when this happens he cannot be woken up. For obvious reasons this causes him added stress when going to sleep at night. My question is, should he be seeing the sleep clinic, urologist or could it be psychological and see a therapist?
Thank you.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for choosing DoctorSpring.

I understand that this sleep time symptom could be really frustrating.
I would like to get some additional information from you, which will help me to form a learned opinion. You can reply as a follwowup

1. Could please describe the 'sleep problem' (if you have the information) - like what happens in the sleep. Is it just a disturbed sleep ? Any night tremors or terrors, any sleep walking ? snoring ?

2. This involuntary urination happens only in the night, in deep sleep I assume. Any instance of this happening while the patient is awake (even once?)

3. Any pain in urination/ back pain/leg numbness/ leg weakness ?

Thank you

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