Sorethroat, muscle aches after oral sex. HIV?

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I've consulted you previously but I've failed to asked you this.

I've had oral sex without condom about 54 days ago and protected anal sex (A week prior to that I had unprotected anal sex which I've disclosed to you). I've disclosed to you that I've been having sore throat on and off since around then associated with muscle aches mostly my lower limbs, but no obvious fever. I've finished a second course of Augmentin for a week today. Symptom wise it is improving but the dryness of the throat is still lingering. I've been having anxiety due to it and have been doing the rapid HIV test ( more than 15 times) regularly since then and it has been negative. My full blood count which I did again 5 days ago was also normal.
What worries me now is that I've just found out that the person I had sex (2nd encounter) with told me he had a partner whom was positive. He said his last blood test was in May 2014 after his breakup and it was negative. I've told him to do a rapid test and to let me know the result. But I'm seriously worried that I might have contracted anything from him.
Furthermore, the sorethroat that I've been having has been with me since my last encounter with him, however I've recovered from it between 10th to 18th January before this current one developed. I do not want to go to a lab due to lack of privacy.
FYI, the rapid test that I'm using was EZ HIV 1/2 rapid test. My last one was on the 27th and it was negative (54 days after an unsafe (oral sex) encounter)
What causes the muscle aches? Is it because of my anxiety?
Based on the frequent rapid test that I've done which are all negative, am I still at risk of having HIV?
Why does my sorethroat kept recurring even after antibiotics? My colleagues are having similar symptoms and I assumed that they have contracted it from me. Should I be on another course of antibiotics? I've Avelox with me at the moment.
Will full blood count disclose any changes related to HIV within this period?
I've been using Thymol Gargle and Difflam Forte throat spray to relieve my throat discomfort. Excessive usage of these medications will possibly worsened my sorethroat?
Please do advise me on this.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

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