Strep infection diagnosed as a yeast infection and medically treated as well.

Resolved question:

Hello doctor, I am a mother, my daughter is a 22 year college going girl. She was misdiagnosed for a vaginal strep infection to a yeast infection and consequently treated (though mistreated) for the same. The medication went for about two weeks and now I am worried as my daughter received wrong medicines. How do I treat this? I have also seen some pictures of genital herpes too in order to diagnose her condition. Please tell me what to do.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 4 Days.

Well I am sorry for the young lady, but it is good of you to put up this problem of yours with me, I appreciate this. On the first place I would like to know whether your daughter has any sexual relations. This is important to correctly identify her problem. Look if she has had one which is normal for her age, then you have to be extra cautious and I would suggest you to consult a good gynaecologist as soon as possible. Another issue is, if not, the too consult your doctor and he would definitely give her some antibiotics to calm her condition. As far as herpes is concerned, the pictures of genital herpes show the extreme result of the infection of which STDs could be one reason. And I am sure that her condition would not be like one you have seen in the pictures of genital herpes. Not being pregnant at this age would be good for her. I am hopeful that she will get cured and would be of health soon. Good Luck.

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