Sweating, heart was racing on wakingup after drinks.

Resolved question:
need to to talk to a psychologist , perefctly healthy 48 yr old male bodybuilder never took drugs drank woke up 10 weeks ago sweating heart was racing , dont know where it from went to three doctors they said i have gad gave me drugs im an active up person these drugs put you down ...love coffie ..cant change my life and become a zombie please help

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Psychiatrist

Expert:  Dr. Srikanth Reddy replied 4 Days.

Thanks for using DoctorSpring.com for posting your query.
However I would like to know a few more details to answer your query in a better way:

1) You mentioned that you had your heart racing with sweating when you wokr up 10 weeeks ago. Are those symptoms continuous or are they episodic? If episodic how frequent are the episodes and how long do they last on an average?
2) What medicines were you advised and how was the response on the medicines?
How ofetn do you take alchol?
Looking forward to hear back from you..

Kind regards
Dr. SRikanth Reddy

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