The problem with warts

Resolved question:

Dear doctor I have been affected by the genital warts recently and yesterday I have had sex with an unknown person. For the protection against STD and from me being getting pregnant he used condom during the penetrative intercourse. Would he still be risk in catching anything?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Steve Merris replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your question and concern. Through the sexual intercourse genital warts can easily be passed from one person to another through simple close body contact. So the genital warts can pass from your body to his body even if you wear a condom. So it is an important thing to go to a GUM (genitourinary medicine) clinic and get tested for the infection and get treated if it catches him. There is also a possibility for the genital warts to get developed in the mouth or around the mouth after an oral sex with a person who is having the warts, though it is uncommon. The warts can also be passed through the fingers to the genital areas.

There are so many types of sexually transmitting diseases and there are many modes of passing the sexually transmitting infections. They are not only spread through the simple penetrative sex. Some of the infections which we think as sexually transmitted diseases are not at all sexually transmitted diseases.

In some cases of infections there are certain signs and symptoms to show the presence of the disease. This include unusual discharges from the vagina or through the penis, bleeding in between the periods or heavy periods, burning sensation and pain on passing the urine, itching or tingling and rashes over the anus and the genitals. But in certain cases of infections there will be not at all any signs or symptoms.

On being tested for a particular infection most people seem to worry about it. But one of the most important to keep that the most infections can be easily treated and cured. The problem is when we delay the treatment. On delaying the treatment the infection will become worse and lot other problems also arises. So it is better to get the treatment at the starting stage on an infection itself.

The testing for the infection can be easily done in a GUM clinic. GUM clinics are attached within the hospital as the separate departments. The consultants inside the clinics are free and are confidential.

There are various tests available there. In Some tests the swab from the cervix or from the penis tip is taken and is examined while some other tests include the testing of the blood samples or the testing of the urine samples. It is important to see a health worker before getting tested for the infection as a health worker is capable of discussing your problems and concerns, reassure you and can tell you what all the tests will be done.

It is an important thing to take care of the sexual health. For reducing the risk of a sexually transmitted disease in the future, it is advised to use a condom during the penetrative sex. Also using a dental dam (small squares of latex) during the oral sex will help you in preventing from the passage of STI. Oral sex mainly includes the direct contact between the penis and the mouth and also the direct contact between the mouth and anus.

Take care.

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