Toddler swallowed plastic MAGNETIC. Will it get digested?

Resolved question:
my toddler swallowed a quarter sized flat plastic magnet that went with a little magnetic pizza making toy 36 hours ago.It was plastic based, and pretty thin (thinner than cardboard but thicker than paper) we went to the emergency room and they said not to worry about it and wait for it to pass. We live in Japan so communication is an issue. Since he swallowed the magnet, he has been a little more fussy than usual, though eating and drinking normally. Not sleeping well for 2 nights. He just had his morning poo and said it was a bit painful, but looked the same as far as size and consistency. there were some dark bits that were about the color of the magnet part, but nothing the size or shape of the original toy. My question is could that be bits of the digested magnet or should i expect to see something along the lines of it coming out whole, as it went in?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at
I understand your concern.
Your thyroid values ( TSH ) is slightly elevated and Thyronorm is enough to bring the levels down. Regarding diet, you should avoid certain vegetables like cabbage and broccoli, since they interfere with iodine absorption, but not at any alarming level. So even if you consume it is not going to cause any major issues. With a level of 15.47 Thyronorm 50 mcg is enough to bring it down.
You need to review your thyroid values once again after 3 months, along with your cholesterol.
Rosuvas 40 is a strong drug to start with. If this is the first time you're taking Cholesterol medicine I would have started you on Atorvas-10/20. That coupled with lifestyle modification would have been enough.
Feel free to discuss further,

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