Trampling fetish and risk of injury to internal organs

Resolved question:
Dear ladies and gentlemen,
In advance I would like to apologize for potential language barriers, because I'm German and not a native speaker of English.

I have been searching the net for a long time but could never find concrete answers to my particular "problem".
Surely you are aware that there are different fetishes, among them still unknown and quite uncommon ones. Maybe you have heard of trampling fetishes and unfortunately that is one of my fetishes.
My girlfriend sometimes steps on me and walks around on my front, that is, stomach and chest. She's not very tall and not really heavy (143 lbs apprx) and it's always barefooted, never in dangerous high-heel shoes or so.

All I got so far was some kind of sore chest muscles, however, that always wears off after a day or 2. I've never had broken bones or rips or anything similiar and my girlfriend normally makes sure not to jump or do anything similiarly dangerous.

The reason why I'm writing to you is that every time after such a "trampling session" (how I call it) I start thinking a lot about potential dangers that could arise. I might be a hypochondriac, because whenever I have a sting or a slight pain in my chest (even days and weeks after a trampling session) I'm almost halfway convinced that my heart or other organs inside my chest got severely injured by the action of being stood on.

I would like to have an honest opinion on this matter and whether a load of approx. 145 lbs can endanger my chest and especially the heart that's right underneath the sternum or other organs such as lungs.

I have to add, that it's usually not really painful when she's just standing still on my chest. It's a bit different when she's walking but still not insufferably painful.

I couldn't talk freely to my cardiologist about this matter, so I tried to get him to give me some answers indirectly by asking him if a cardiac massage (like those you do in order to save people after an accident) can be dangerous when being done for living people (although the trampling that get cannot really be compared to a cardiac massage, can it?). His answer was yes, he would not recommend to perform a cardiac massage on healthy people for it could be deadly.

On the internet you can find tons of videos about trampling and 98% of them are widely more action-packed and more sadistic than what my girlfriend and me practice, and all of those people on the net seem to be OK after all, so I try to comfort myself a bit with that thought.

But still I would like to have an really honest opinion about it. Can mere standing and walking around (with the weight of approx. 145 lbs) on stomach and chest be dangerous for heart, lungs or any other organs? Does it even affect the heart since there are bones and muscles in between?
Every time I have these hypochondriacal thoughts I swear to myself to quit the whole thing, but have been backsliding every time.

I'm really looking forward to hearing your honest opinions and am very thankful for taking time for my concern!

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Cardiologist

Expert:  Dr. Vivek Mahajan replied 4 Days.


Thank you for your query at

I agree that many people who practice this trampling and shoot videos and post to internet and also you do not suffer from any events post such episodes. But I would like to strongly advise you against performing such an action. 145 lbs all concentrated at a single point of heel can break a rib or 2 and it can go right through your heart and lung or liver. It can cause sudden death. In the abdomen it can cause rupture of vital organs like liver spleen kidneys and stomach.

So please discontinue this practice of trampling. I hope this helps, please feel free to discuss further.

Dr Vivek Mahajan
DM Cardiology

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Patient replied :

Thank you for your reply! Do I have to fear that something might already be damaged by now althoug I have never had any inconveniences so far? Are there long-term aftermaths to be expected or can I assume that as long as no bones are broken everything will be fine?

Does the heart suffer from the mere pressure on the chest or is it only dangerous if bones break?

Expert:  Dr. Vivek Mahajan replied 3 Days.

The most serious consequences can be after rib or sternum fractures. If the rib cage is intact the chances of injury to lung and heart is unlikely. Anyways if severe trauma had occured it would manifest. So its not too late to stop the practice of trampling.


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