Unprotected oral sex and concern about HIV transmission.

Resolved question:
I visited a sex worker in India about 2 months back. She gave me condom protected oral sex. She also licked my testicles which had some bruises due to itching. There was no visible blood in her mouth nor on my testicles.

I got loose motions after about 1 month and it lasted for 02 days. It got cured without taking any medicine. I also got 02 pimples after 01 week on my pubic area which healed in 3-4 days.
What is my risk of getting HIV infection.?
Can hiv be transmitted via saliva? I read that concentration of HIV is very high in saliva during initial stage of infection. What is the risk assuming that sex worker is recently infected with HIv?
Is there a need for HIV testing?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for trusting your query with Doctor Spring. Yes HIV can be transmitted through saliva and through oral sex. Your chances are increased because she is a commercial sex worker and furthermore, the scrapes in your skin increase your chances of receiving the virus in your bloodstream.

The other symptoms may or may not be related to the incident ~ although frequent infections is a sign of a weakened immune system. I would suggest you get tested for HIV as soon as possible, as well as other sexually transmitted diseases. If you are HIV positive, then early treatment will have a better prognosis as you will slow the weakening of your immune system. In the meantime, practice safe sex or abstinence to avoid transmission of infection.

Take care and be well. Please ask follow up questions, if any.


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Patient replied :

How long a person can live with HIV.

Also I read on Internet that it is not possible to get HIV through saliva. Is there any documented case of HIV transmission via saliva? The bruises on my skin were dry and not bleeding. Still there is a risk?

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 3 Days.

Cases have been reported of transmission of the HIV virus from one infected female giving oral sex to a male who is not yet infected. It is a much lower number than through vaginal or anal sex, but it does happen. The virus does not exactly live in the saliva and is normally transmitted through blood and blood products. However, if she had any cuts or scrapes in her mouth, from a sore or tiny teeth abrasions, the virus could have passed from her mouth through your lesions on your testicles.

You mentioned earlier that you had bruises on your testicles. If there are no open wounds, then your chances decrease. Also, you seem to have recovered from your illnesses (diarrhea and boils) quite easily and without treatment. These are signs of a good immune system and point away from HIV infection.

The risk of transmission is low in the way you are describing. However, if you are feeling anxious about it, it will not hurt to get tested. The reason why I suggested you get tested early is so that if you are infected, early treatment has better prognosis.

If you decide not to get tested, wait it out for a few months. Most newly infected HIV individuals experience a severe flu like illness within the first three months. This would be a warning sign for you to get tested and get treatment right away. Other warning signs would include prolonged and frequent illnesses. I hope this helps. Take care.

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