White worms in the system, can you help?

Resolved question:

My daughter has been to the doctors so many time because they noticed little white worms in her system. No one can figure out what it really is. Can you help us at least know a little more information?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.


There are different worms that could affect ones system.

Taenias are worms that clog the intestine producing obstruction and resulting in constipation and obstipation (no gas). Liver flukes are again worms that infect the gastrointestinal system causing bloody diarrhea and loss of appetite. Clonorechesis are worms affecting the lung producing haemoptysis and fever.

It could be easier to help you out if you are more specific as to what symptoms your daughter has to let you know what worm is affecting your body. Most of the worm infestations causes iron deficiency anemia because of bleeding. It's important your daughter gets a good supply of iron and vitamins for anemia. Albendazole is usually given as the treatment for worms especially in intestine.

Thank you.

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