Allergy in penis not reduced by CORTISONE cream.

Resolved question:
I am worried about my penis head still looks like there is something wrong with it I was told to apply cortizone on the area by one of the doctors on here who did my follow up I did that for a week and the marks are still there I b was told tht this was an allergy problem I sent a pic via email so hopefully u can help I need to know if this is contagious it does not hurt burn or itch just worried

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Dermatologist

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at
The picture that you have sent is quite blurred. I cannot see the lesion very well.
If the Cortisone cream also has not helped, it would be best to visit a Dermatologist who can guide you accordingly.
You can apply the Clotrimazole cream, twice a day, till you get an appointment with your Dermatologist.
As I had suspected earlier, it could be a yeast infection. If it is so, yes it is contagious and can spread through sexual intercourse.

I hope this was helpful. Feel free to discuss further.

Take care.

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Patient replied :

I will send a clear pic so you can see better if it but u know for shure this is not herpes or anything like that what are some over the counter pills I can take for a yeasts infection

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 3 Days.

Thanks for your reply and for the picture.

It made all the difference. I can see the lesions clearer now.

These seem to be genital warts. I am giving this possible diagnosis based on the picture that you have sent me now and also keeping in mind that the creams and pills that you have tried so far haven't worked.

All this while the overall picture was quite unclear. At times its difficult to diagnose a lesion by just seeing a picture, it needs to be examined. Hence my constant recommendation to visit a dermatologist.

Genital warts are sexually transmitted. It's caused by the hpv virus. Genital warts may take 3 weeks to 3 years old patientto appear after being exposed to a partner having genital warts.

The recommend treatment for treating these warts would be application of aldara cream on the lesions.

It will require a prescription from your doctor.

Please let me know if you have any queries.

Take care

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Patient replied :

I have looked up pics of genital warts and mine do not look anything like that is there any possibility that there is another diagnosis or tell me the percentage chance by looking at the pic that I have genatal warts because before I was told on here that I was having an allergy reaction now this devastating

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 2 Days.


Thanks for your reply.

After looking at the picture, it does seem to be genital warts. I would say a 50 % chance of it being warts. Keeping in mind that the medicines for fungal infection and allergy both didn't work and the presence of the lesions since 2 months goes more in favor of warts. However, its best to visit a dermatologist and get a biopsy done if required. That will give the correct diagnosis. I understand that it's devastating, however warts can be effectively treated with Aldara cream and they will resolve.

It's best to take treatment for it as soon as possible. Aldara cream will require a prescription.

Take care

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