blood pressure medication in lupus

Resolved question:

I have been having inflammation flares in my toes since around 2009. They turn really dark purple and get severely swollen. I went to a dermatologist and they did a biopsy on my toe. The results came back and they were certain it was lupus. They then did a round of blood work. My blood work showed that I tested positive for auto antibodies. The dermatologist said they were not going to diagnose me with lupus though. And instead wanted to put my on medicine to lower my blood pressure and relax my blood vessels. I however do not feel comfortable taking this medicine because my blood pressure is fine. Should I be getting a second opinion? I have read and researched lupus and it sounds just like what is going on with me.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Steve Merris replied 4 Days.


Treatment of Lupus is mainly symptomatic in the initial stages, and when complication arises it should be treated.

Probably your Doctor has suggested a drug called ACE inhibitor (Enalapril/Lisinopril) etc which lowers the blood pressure and also takes the load of the Kidney.Even though this a blood pressure medication, it is also very useful in many other conditions like Lupus, heart disease etc. Here the action is not to just reduce blood pressure, but there are additive action also.

So I feel there should be some particular reason your Doctor prescribed you the medication (which is not evident in your query) and you should take it.

Hope this helps.

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