Bone healing in Diabetes type 1.

Resolved question:

Does it take longer for a type-1 dietetic to heal a broken bone as compared to a non diabetic person?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.


Yes, it does take a longer time for a person with diabetes type 1 to heal a broken bone.

A person with diabetes type 1 has an inherent defect in taking up glucose inside a cell. This occurs due to the lack of insulin. As you know, glucose is the main source of energy for repair and growth of our body. Although you might be taking Insulin injections, the effect doesn't usually match up to a patient who doesn't have diabetes type 1.Therefore, you might take a little longer to heal a broken bone. You will also be prone to more chances of infections and need more bone care than a person without DM type1.

Here are my recommendations-

1) You might need to increase the dosage of your daily insulin because of increased need of insulin in the body during repair. The dosage of increase needs to be titrated based on the daily blood glucose monitor.

2) Antibiotic coverage with a wide spectrum will be required for the first 15 days of recovery, especially if you have an open fracture.

3) Control of your diet is more important now than ever. You also need to resume daily activity as much as possible without straining you fractured site.

4) Take daily Tab. Calcium 500 mg for the next 2 months to improve the mineralization of bone.

Thank you.

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