Can Arythromycin be used to treat urinary tract infections?

Resolved question:

Dear doctor,

I am suffering from some urinary tract infection, characterized by a typical burning sensation while urinating. I also get an urge to go to bathroom frequently. These symptoms are being experienced for long. Can Arythromycin help in getting rid of my UTI and help me in avoiding symptoms I told?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Fuller replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your query.

Arythromycin is helpful in treating infections caused by chlamydia yeast and for gonococcal infections. But if you have uncomplicated cystitis, it can be better treated with bactrim, augmentin and ciprofloxacin. But it is always recommended to consult with your doctor before taking any medicine. Moreover, treatment should be done only in the presence of infection. A urinalysis and consulting with doctor will help you the very best. 

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