Can gardasilshot prevent from HPV?

Resolved question:

Hi Doctor I had a question regarding the HPV, as I am diagnosed with one of the HPV type so can I get gardasil shot. Do I have any std pictures seen in me? As I am infected with HPV can I take gardasil shot, will it harm me or will it help me as prevention from cervical cancer?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 4 Days.

Its really unfortunate to know that you are affected with one of the HPV type but yes you can go for the gardasil shot, as this vaccine is made to give protection against the HPV disease which is common to cervical cancer. According to me you should go and get yourself vaccinated as getting vaccinated will protect you from the infections that might get in contact by other type of HPV, the virus present in our body. If we talk about the prevention than according to me one of the best thing is to get in a faithful relation with one partner as it decrease the chances of HPV because it is a disease which most probably caused by sexual intercourse or by unprotected sex. Yes, there are chances of std pictures which can be seen in you as you are diagnosed with HPV. If you want to prevent yourself or want to lower the risk of HPV then you should go for a one life partner because having sex with only one person assures and lower your risk of the infections. But if you want to be active in sexual activities than go for protected sex only. There are various protections available in the market you can go for.According to me, I would suggest you to use condoms as they lower the risk of HPV and are 98% effective.I hope I have cleared your question. Best wishes

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