Can high blood sugar levels negatively affect embryo development during first week of a possible pregnancy?

Resolved question:

My daughter is type 1 diabetic and recently had high blood sugar levels. Can high blood sugar levels during the first few days of a possible pregnancy affect embryo development negatively? She has been working hard on stabilizing her blood sugar levels now.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 4 Days.

Chances of a successful conception and pregnancy are increased if you can effectively control blood sugar levels. This is because health of the mom is very important in development of the child also. Nutrition should be given due importance to preserve health of mother. Ineffective blood sugar control steps can result in many serious problems such as birth defects of the baby, fetal death etc. It is advisable to consult with her doctor and seek necessary medical aid. Both mother and the child will be saved with the timely and early monitoring of blood glucose levels and timely care.

Good luck. 

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