Can intercoarse during MENSTRUATION cause KIDNEY INFECTION in male?

Resolved question:
Can a man receive a kidney infection from sexual intercourse with a female that is menstruating? My husband has complained of right side lower back pain and insists that it has to do with sex while im menstruating. Yet weve been together for over a year and a half and i have bleed many times during sex and this issue has never arose. We both have been tested and we do not have any STDs.
He has however had this pain before. He also insisted it was a kidney infection and even went to the Dr. concerning this when he had it before and they told him he didnt have a kidney infection but it was a muscle problem. I thought an individual would have more then just right side lower back pain with a kidney infection. Please help me so I can help him. He has no other symptoms but the pain.
He had a bad kidney infection years ago that landed him in the hospital with a catheter. He himself believes it was due to after sex with his ex-wife because she bled. It was a very miserable experience for him and I know he has a great fear of that happening again. But how can it be due to sex with a female bleeding and it only happen once or twice after all the times of sex while bleeding. Thanks for your time.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Hello. Thank you for your query at
It is highly unlikely. On the other hand, intercourse during menstruation puts the woman at a higher risk of acquiring infections. The risk of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases and infections is higher than normal during this time because the cervix opens to allow blood to pass through. Unfortunately, this creates the perfect pathway for bacteria to travel deep inside your pelvic cavity. She is also more likely to develop yeast or bacterial infections because the vagina's pH during menstruation is less acidic.
So safe and hygienic practices are even more important here.
At the same time, the man too has an increased risk since the woman is also more likely to pass on blood-borne diseases like HIV and Hepatitis, if she is positive, to a partner during her period. However, intercourse during menstruation causing a kidney infection is unlikely.
Since you are both negative for STDs, transmission of these is also ruled out.
As for the right lower back pain, that too is unlikely to be from a kidney infection. It's more likely to be due to muscle strain. Infection in the kidney presents with fever with chills, nausea, vomiting, severe lower back pain and other symptoms of urinary tract infection like burning/pain while passing urine, increased frequency etc.
If your husband does not have any of the other symptoms, then a kidney infection is not at all likely. Please assure him of the same. If he isn't convinced, a simple urine analysis test can be done. A normal result will rule out any infection.
I hope this was helpful. Feel free to ask queries.

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