Can SEASONAL ALLERGY cause dizziness, breathing and throat issue?

Resolved question:
I have been out of work for over 1 month, but was only diagnosed with allergies. I am very dizzy, struggle to get deep breaths, and have throat spasms. I went to an ENT, gastro, Endro, cardio, and neuro. All tests came back normal. Allergist said I'm allergic to all of nature: trees, pollen and ragweed. I never get itchy watery eyes, sneezing or runny nose. MD diagnosed me with allergies. Said my nasal passages are shut and throat is inflamed. I can't live a normal day to day life anymore. I nearly faint. I was prescribed claritin and flonase spray. I've been on it for 3 days, just switched to allegra. Does the dizziness, and breathing and throat issue really sound like a seasonal allergy??? I don't sleep, barely eat. It comes and goes every day of august. What can I do for this??? Please help.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: ENT Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Sunil Jalan replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at
I understand your concern.

You are suffering from dizziness, breathing difficulty and throat spasms
You are taking medication for nasal allergy including Claritin (loratadine)/ Allergra (fexofenadine) both are same group drug (antihistamine/antiallergic drug). You are also using nasal spray for same which is also used for nasal allergy.But your symptoms are not suggestive of nasal allergy (sneezing and runny nose).
To get correct diagnosis I need more information and you may require to some investigation (You might have done already).
I have attached one allergy evaluation form. if you can fill and send it, it will help.
If you scan and send some of investigation report also, that will also help.
If there is no symptomatic improvement with medication than detailed evaluation can be done including Chest X-ray, nasal endoscopy and laryngoscopy (endoscopic examination of throat).
Hope this helps

Best regards

Dr. Sunil Jalan

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Patient replied :

Hi doctor. I also have pain/pressure/throbbing/stabbing pains in my upper nose. When the doc looked she said my nasal passages were shut, and my nose is very dry. Looking at my throat she saw a lot of red and said it was inflamed. I did an endoscopy, nothing wrong there. Did a chest x-ray, all clear there. Thyroid blood work and exam - it isn't that either. Also did x ray of the throat, the fiberoptic ENT test where the wire camera went up my nose and down my throat - everything looked normal. I also did every neurological and cardiological test: stress test, echo, ekg, c-doppler, baer, mri of the brain and tilt table test. No specialist sees anything at all wrong with me except allergies. The allergist said I'm allergic to all trees, ragweed and pollen. So, all specialists feel my allergies are SO extreme that my nose is so dry and inflamed shut, causing post nasal drip irritating the throught badly, causing throat tightening which cause esophagul spasms, inflamed bronchial tubes causing shortness of breath. In addition to allegra and flonase, dr. Also prescribed advair and an emergency asthma inhaler today stating severe seasonal allergies can have asthmatic symptoms. Now, does all this sound legit to you? Also this nose spray, allergy meds etc... I've been taking it since saturday, how many days does it take to get into my system to work? Still suffering, pls help :( (history of mild allergies, appendicitis surgery)

Expert:  Dr. Sunil Jalan replied 3 Days.


You do not have classical allergic symptoms it is very unlikely that you have allergy.
Simple giddiness and throat spasm, breathing difficulty may be due to stress also (as you do not have any symptoms of allergy and all investigation are normal.) Or it may be due to gastritis with may cause nausea and giddiness and acid reflux may cause throat irritation, foreign body sensation in throat, throat spasm and breathing difficulty. So if you feel acidity and burning sensation then it can be treated with Tab. Rabeprazole 20 mg once in morning for one month.

Hope this helps,

Best regards

Dr. Sunil Jalan

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