Chest pain spreading to arm on ORTHO TRICYCLEN.

Resolved question:
Dear Doctor, I am 27 and taking ortho tricyclen lo. I am experience dull/heavy chest pain mainly on the left side of my chest (sometimes upper, sometimes lower chest). Sometimes I feel sharp pangs of pain in my chest and the pain is not in my arm, but spreads to the side of my chest close to my armpit area. I am out of the country and need to assess how serious these side effects are and how to proceed. I am not a consistent smoker, but have been smoking 3-5 ciggarretes every day/every other day for about a month of my time abroad. I am not smoking any longer. Any insight will be greatly appreciated. Best, Carolina

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Cardiologist

Expert:  Dr. E. Satish Kumar replied 4 Days.

Dear Carolina
Thanks for your Query at,
Going through case history, these are the following possibilities,
!) Acid Peptic Disease
2)muscular pain
3) Due to heart
Since you have history of smoking I would suggest to do EKG and if abnormal to do echo cardiogram.
Mean while if your are having any proton pump inhibitors or antacids you can take it and see for relief , the probably you have Acid Peptic Disease.
In case you have any tenderness over the site you are complaining of pain, then probably it may be some muscular pain.
In case you are having pain the chest and gets aggravated by exertion or any simple activities and feel beeter with rest , then you may be dealing with heart and then you investigate further.

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