Chlamydia and Vd symptoms

Resolved question:

Hi Doctor I and my boyfriend are in relationship for the last 8 months and we are dating each other but we never had sex .Recently he went down with chlamydia.How much chances and the possibility are there of the symptoms Chlamydia or any vd for a year?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Cecelia J. Russ replied 4 Days.

It is really unfortunate to know that he is diagnosed with Chlamydia. Disease comes and goes but if we talk about chlamydia it is very fast growing infectious disease in united states.And if we talk about the estimation then it comes to 4 million infections per year with the growing higher rate of 10% in adolescent females who are sexually active. Behind all this if we talk about the symptoms then there are high percentage of cases that the sypmtoms are not seen but at times it may be possible that symptoms vary with individuals with astats that shows , a men has 25%-50% while a women has 70%-80% chances of Chlamydia for a time duration in whichit stays for a long period of time as a result unknown. In this case it is very difficult to come to know about the infection or abut the symptoms because the symptoms are not seen. I would suggest you for a doctor consultation during which the doctor will suggest you different diagnostic tests which may be cultures of the testes like sending urine of yours for the laboratory test to examine or to come to know about the infection with which you are infected. And the doctor can also send you or ask for the test of sexually transmitted disease or vdsince number of people down with Chlamydia also faces other infections like trichomonas and gonorrhea. So according to me I would suggest you to avoid sex because there are chances for the symptoms ofvdas well as Chlamydia because it take a period of time to recover from these. I hope question is cleared.Best wishes.

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