Concern about possible exposure to HIV

Resolved question:
I was at a hotel where I cut myself shaving (I was shaving around my pubic area) and I cut myself (a small chunk of skin came off and there seemed like lots of blood). I was cleaning the shaving cream and blood off with towels. I grabbed one and saw a blood spot which I thought was mine. I rinsed it and used it to clean my wound.

Now I am thinking that maybe the blood wasn't mine and was from housekeeping or elsewhere. I know I can't catch it from the towel normally but I'm afraid that because I had a serious cut that maybe I could have. This happened two days ago. Do I need testing and PEP?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.


Thank you for your query at I do not recommend you get post exposure prophylaxis for hiv/aids if that is what you are asking. The virus cannot survive outside the body and cannot be contracted by towels or the way you are describing.

I do however recommend that you get a tetanus shot if you have not had one in the past 5 years. This can protect your wound from getting infected with tetanus, as this is a real possibility.

Hope this helps, please feel free to discuss further. Take care of yourself and be well.

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