Criteria for blood sugar level for classic DIABETES.

Resolved question:
I have been keeping up with my blood sugar level for about 10 days, checking it before, after and fasting after a meal for 3 hours or so. The average has been 136 with a high of 188 and nothing lower than 106. I am also experiencing some of the traditional symptoms of diabetes....thirsty (that's been going on for years), frequent urination, along with joint and muscle pain. I was diagnosed with hemachromatosis about 8 years ago, but phlebotomies have kept my ferritin level under 100. Does this sound like classic diabetes or am I self-diagnosing. Also, i have no weight or bp problems. 56 year old male. Thanks

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Endocrinologist

Expert:  Dr. J Muthukrishnan replied 4 Days.

Thank you for your query at

I understand your concern.
Yes. You do have Diabetes and you will need a HbA1c test. A minimum 8 hour fasting blood glucose level of 126 mg/dL or more is diagnostic of Diabetes.

You would require lifestyle modifications and / or medicines for controlling your blood glucose levels.
Lifestyle modification includes dietary changes, weight reduction and regular exercise.
Please do consult your doctor for the most apprppriate management in your case.

Feel free to ask queries.
Thank you.

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