Do brownish vaginal discharge mean PREGNANCY?

Resolved question:
I am on birth control since november. next week are my sugar pills (starting this sunday). i have been having brown discharge today and yesterday, what could this be from? could it be since i am supposed to get my period next week even though i am still currently taking the hormonal pill? i have never had this before.

additional information: i have not had sex since june 1 and have had my period since then. i also took the plan b on june 2 to ensure no pregnancy, we also used condoms and he pulls out. i am very careful about not wanting to get pregnant so i just want to make sure that this is not a possible symptom and for some reason got my period even though i was pregnant. i also have taken several negative pregnancy tests.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Family Physician-GP

Expert:  Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy replied 4 Days.

Hello. Thank you for your query at The brown discharge is most likely your period starting early. This can sometimes happen with the hormonal contraceptive pills as a side effect and stress etc can also have an effect on this. There is practically NO possibility that you could be pregnant. I say this because of the following points. 1. You have already had your period after the last intercourse. (This 1 point alone is sufficient to rule out pregnancy) 2. You are on contraceptives plus the intercourse was protected. This make conception impossible. 3. Pregnancy tests are negative. So please relax. You have no reason to worry. Let me know if you have further queries. Take care.

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