Ectopic Pregnancy.

Resolved question:
I usually have a 30-32 day cycle. I was supposed to get my period on the 16th of this month. on the 15th my boyfriend and I engaged in intercourse when i noticed that i had brown discharge. I thought my period was starting. Now it has been 7 days of brown discharge, no period, it is very light, no odor or foul smell, I have swollen breasts, fatigue and am bloated. I took a home pregnancy test which was negative. I am worried because this has never happened to me before.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: OBGYN

Expert:  Dr. Aarti Vazirani replied 4 Days.


Thanks for writing to with your health concern.

Sometimes, there is a rare possibility of an ectopic pregnancy ( pregnancy outside the uterus ) or a miscarriage, in which case, the home pregnancy test would not always be reliable.

It is better to rule out these possibilities with a blood B HCG estimation, which will reassure you, particularly as you are having some symptoms too suggestive of a pregnancy.

If the B HCG is negative, then please go for a complete gynecological examination ( per vaginum and per speculum ).

Also a pelvic transvaginal ultrasound scan, and hormonal levels - FSH, LH, TSH, Prolactin, OGTT, DHEAS, Free Testosterone.
That will rule out hypothyroidism, PCOS ( polycystic ovarian syndrome ) and endometrial hyperplasia or a polyp / fibroid which can cause such spotting.

ALso, stress, anxiety, weight gain, excessive smoking or drinking, travelling, late nights, erratic diet, ingestion of hormonal medication - all these can replace your normal period with spotting.

All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.

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