emergency pill after 4 days of sex

Resolved question:

 I have been off birth control for a  little over a month due to some insurance issues so I was careful when having sex with my boyfriend. We used condoms as an alternative method of contraception during the time I was off of birth control. Unfortunately Monday night the condom fell off and he ejaculated inside of me. I had what I thought was the second day of my period on Monday because there was some spotting. Wednesday I had heavier bleeding and some intense cramps and got an actual period that I still have even today. My question #1 is if I should go buy plan B pills today. (I know it's a little late to take them, but it says that they will work for up to 120 hours after sex). I finally got my new birth control pills that are in line with what my insurance wants, and I am supposed to start them this Sunday in that I got my period this week. If you do recommend I go buy plan B pills today and I start taking them today, would I still start the new pack of birth control pills this Sunday? Or would that be too much hormone consumption? Thank you so much.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Arrhythmia Specialist

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