Excess hair on face and legs

Resolved question:
I am a 36 years old mother of twin daughters of 13 years of age.

I desperately wanted children after getting married when I was 19 and just out of school. It was difficult to conceive and after many tests the gynecologist put me on some hormone treatment after which only I conceived.

After the twins were born I experienced (gradually at first but now much more) excessive hair growth in my face, thighs and my legs. It is quite embarrassing. Can you help?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Endocrinologist

Expert:  Dr. J Muthukrishnan replied 4 Days.


Thank you for your consult at DoctorSpring.com.

Since you had difficulty in conceiving and received some hormonal treatment, it is likely that you have Polycystic ovary disease which also presents with irregular menses and excessive hair growth over face and body. If it was not this and if you know the exact diagnosis please let me know.

I would also like to know whether excess hair present before your pregnancy ? (with irregular menses) and have now become more prominent, or have they appeared new.?

You need to test for thyroid, prolactin and do blood testosterone levels, and ultrasound of the ovaries.
Based on these reports, I will be able to suggest you further treatment.

Hope this helps, please feel free to discuss further.


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