Having severe pain in my testicles since a week

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I'm pretty scared, it all started awhile back when I started getting a red itch around my crotch area, then I couldn't get an erection. The doctor gave me some fungus killer prescription and the itching went right down, yet I still couldn't get an erection. In The past while I've passed blood while doing the toilet, and constant constipation while it's happening. So I went to the doctor and am about to start using treatment for that. Now over the past week in my lower abs/testicle area I feel constant pain all of a sudden, almost like someone's lightly squeezing my testicles, and I still find it hard to get an erection. What do you think this could be, its really worrying me. Thanks.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.

Hello, Testicles are sensitive structures. Any discomfort or pain in the testicles causes a disproportionate amount of concern to men. Testicles are usually associated with masculinity and virility and produce spermatozoa and testosterone. The common causes of testicular pain are:

a)Direct injury.

b)Infections – orchitis and epididymitis

c)Varicocele , epididymal cyst, hydrocele


e)Torsion of testis

f)Kidney stones

g)Testicular cancer.

Testicular pain may start in one or both testicles or somewhere in the groin or abdomen. Other causes of testicular pain include Diabetic neuropathy, idiopathic testicular pain, mumps, undescended testicles and so on. Whenever there is severe testicular pain it is a sign of testicular torsion because of loss of blood supply that requires immediate medical treatment and may lead to infertility if not treated promptly .If the infection is caused by bacteria, it should be treated with antibiotics. In non-urgent cases like minor injuries and fluid collection, you can provide a support to the scrotum with an athlete support and apply ice to the swelling. You can also take a painkiller like tablet ibuprofen twice a day after food for a week to relieve the pain. I would suggest to you try this for a week and if there is no relief then you can consult your surgeon for further assessment. Thank you.

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