HIV negative at 4 weeks and risk of transmission HIV to husband and baby

Resolved question:
I have another question in regards to my previous question. I pricked my finger with 20 gauge needle after inserting an IV. Patient tested HIV negative. PEPline said I did not need PEP and that I did not need testing. My hospital has us test anyways. I tested HIV negative at 6 weeks(44 days) after needle stick. Same week I tested HIV negative, my husband had sore throat for 3 days, fever for 1 day, and sore neck. And my baby had small red bumps on her bottom and lower back and a dry scalp. Also, me and my baby keep passing back and forth a cold. However, she does stay at a sitters with other kids and there are kids there who have had colds. Did I transmit HIV to my husband and baby and antibodies were not detectable yet in my blood? I am breastfeeding. Scared.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 4 Days.


Patient was HIV negative, You are also tested negative.
There is NO possibility of HIV here ! In fact HIV is not in picture at all. Your husband's and your baby's symptoms seem totally unrelated to any possible HIV infection.

Babies are prone to get some viral infection and these is nothing usual about it. Am I am sure your husbands throat infection will be cleared in a couple of days, if he has not recovered already.

Please feel free to ask followup questions.
Thank you

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Patient replied :

My husband's sore throat was a couple of weeks ago, the same week I tested HIV negative. He received antibiotic shot and sore throat was gone in 3 days. Me and my baby had a cold a couple of weeks ago, and then she got a cold again and now I have the cold again. That's why I'm worried. Is my 6 week HIV antibody test accurate?

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 3 Days.


Yes 6 week HIV test is reasonably accurate. But of course in rare cases there could be false negative (due to inadequate production of antibodies) . But in your case there is no need for any concern as the patient is HIV negative.

In addition your baby's symptoms are NOT suggestive of HIV infection at all ! So no worries !

Thank you.

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