I am having some STI

Resolved question:

Hello Doctor,

I want to know if I am having some STI as there are 3 lesions that are oval shaped on my labia minora and a white colored lesion on the side of those 3 lesions that causes a lot of pain when I touch it. I am having pain in abdomen and having difficult and painful urination.

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Fuller replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your question and concern. The formation of the genital sores in the area around labia is usually due to some STI such as chancroid, granuloma inguinale, genital herpes, Molluscum Contagiosum, genital warts and syphilis. I would suggest you to visit your doctor or you may also visit some gynecologist for the blood count, to know about the culture of the formed lesions in the labia, microscopy and a test known as VDRL.  You will be treated on the basis of the organism type that would be found in those lesions which can be antivirals, antibiotics, corticosteroids or antifungals. I would advise you to make your partner wear condom the next time you both have sex together. Also ask your partner as well to get the tests done if it is found to be positive in you. Having a protected sex is very necessary to avoid the different kinds of infections and diseases to be transmitted from one person to the other. Precaution is the best way to go for rather than going for the treatments and the pains that such infections and diseases cause.You should not be afraid of any STI as it can be cured at the initial state itself. You can also call a helpline and consult the available nurse there for different problems and issues regarding your sexual matters in case you are afraid in meeting your doctor face to face. But you need to visit your doctor for all the required tests to be done. Best wishes.

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