I have been taking 5 insulin injections per day.

Resolved question:

I am a 69 years old lady diagnosed with diabetes for the last 25 years. I have controlled my diet for the last 11 years and had some oral medication for about 5 years or so. But my cardiologist found that my kidneys’ functioning was compromised because of metformin, I was put on. Then he suggested insulin and asked me to stop metformin. Now I am taking 2 long acting and 3 rapid acting injections every day. Now, I gained a weight of 20lbs. For the last 2 years, my kidney is functioning well. Now, my diabetes care doctor wishes to make me go back to metformin and byetta. What will you suggest?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. Steve Merris replied 4 Days.

Thanks for your question. It is a pleasure to know that your kidneys returned to its normal functioning. But it is a frustrating situation to gain weight with insulin. Anyway, metformin is associated with weight loss. You can go on a trial period of 1 or 2 months with metformin to check whether it is beneficial. But you should stop it if it is found causing any trouble to kidneys. It is because health of kidneys is more of concern than weight loss. Byetta is ordered orally for diabetes patients. But before starting, make sure that you are using only one at a time. Either Byetta or metformin. Otherwise, you may not be able to find which one is causing which effect. Stay healthy and fit. Good luck.

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