Itching rash on neck unresponsive to HYDROCORTISONE cream.

Resolved question:
I have a horrible itching rash on the back of my neck now for 7 months. I have tried hydrocortisone first for weeks and it didn't seem to help. I did all kinds of research on line to see what it could possibly be. I looked at pictures and compared them to my own. The only thing I could seem to relate to was ringworm of the scalp. The itching gets so severe I want to just scratch my skin off. I started trying home remedies for ringworm I read about one I used was apple cider vinegar and if definetly helped the itch but burned my skin a lot. Then I started using anti fungal cremes I got at the drug store. They helped and healed the sores. But it seemed like as soon as it cleared up new ones would form and the horrible itching would start again. I never had anything so annoying with itching and never seen anything last so long and not go away or clear up completely. I am now using a cream I ordered on line called Terrasil ringworm treatment cream. It seems to have worked the best of anything so far but once again. It gets all healed up and then little bumps or pimples form again and the itching and breaking out in puss filled looking sores starts all over again. I really would love to know what it is and what I could do to get rid of it but I'm afraid of going to get it looked at because I'm afraid of taking the oral ringworm medications since I have read about how sickly then can a person. I would much rather itch a little than have diarrhea and vomiting for the 6 weeks or more they need to be taken. So I have not had it looked at. I would really appreciate some advice on the topic. It is very frustrating and even embarrassing at times to have such an itchy head and not know what to do for it. I would at least like to know if it does look like ringworm because if it's not I'm treating it with things that probably aren't right for it. I would like to have an opinion from someone that is familiar with this kind of thing. 

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Dermatologist

Expert:  Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar replied 4 Days.


Thanks for posting your query at

I can understand your concern.

From the picture it seems to be fungal infection called tinea or ringworm mixed with secondary bacterial infection.

It will need a course of oral antibiotic like azithromycin and oral anti fungal like lamisil for sure. Oral antifungal tablets are very safe n do not make a person sick.

Application of mupurocin cream along with lamisil cream twice daily will help heal it further.

You will need a prescription for the medications.

I also would like to know if you have a history of diabetes or are there any fluid filled lesions.


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