Lower right side pain and directly right of the spine, rotated L5

Resolved question:

I have had lower right side back pain for 3 months after landing stiff legged during a figure skating jump. Not to mention the many many falls I have had on my backside. The pain can be localized under two fingers and is directly right of my spine. I get severe pain when running, twisting, bending forward, and laying down. Doctor said xray was good, rotated L5. CT was fine so I asked about L5 and he said "what are you talking about" Any thoughts on my condition?

Submitted: 4 Days
Category: Community

Expert:  Dr. John Monheit replied 4 Days.

Thanks for using ask a doctor s service from doctor spring. I understand your problem and will try to answer to the best possible. The pain you are describing is probably due to a sprain sustained during the fall. Following which activities like running or bending forward is painful. During the fall, the entire body weight has been centered over L1 TO L5.

The spine extends from L1 to L 5 and then attaches to the sacrum. The weight of the body is evenly transmitted through this way. As the x ray and CT was normal, I would suggest you a few remedies:

a) To take some rest and avoid lifting heavy objects

b) Physiotherapy is also effective in relieving pain and strengthening the back muscles.

c) Use painkillers to relieve the pain for a week.

If the pain has not subsided then you could consult your doctor. Hope this helps. If you have any further queries you can always drop me a mail.

Thank you.

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